Endurance is defined as bearing hardship; staying power, continuity or lastingness. An endurance event can be defined as any event where you have to eat in order to finish. For an athlete who participates in these kinds of events they need to follow an endurance nutrition regimen for optimal performance; not only before the race but during the race also.
For optimal performance you need to start with daily nutrition. Training nutrition ensures that you will get the fuel you need during the event so you can reach your goals. Next is recovery nutrition to supply your body with what it needs to get up the next morning and do it all over again. Race day nutrition will strengthen your body to handle whatever it is presented with on race day.
With their nutrition needs met an endurance athlete is ready to seek out challenges that push their limits. They will try anything at least once to tap into their creativity and open the door to the body’s possibilities. They never compromise on their health, training or nutrition because that would be cheating their selves.
Endurance athletes compete against their own limits. By embracing the fact that they are their own worst enemy they conquer their fears, anxieties and limitations. Some days, after training for months and months they get the flu on race day and acknowledge that it is okay, that failure is always an option. But, failure is temporary as long as they get up and try again.
Sore muscles, cramps, blisters and exhaustion are evidence that they are pushing through their weaknesses and moving up to the next level of performance. Even though failure is a possibility, the motivation to finish is a very powerful motivator. Most endurance athletes will push through an incredible amount of pain and discomfort to be able to finish, even if takes twice as long as the first guy.
Endurance events can be very lonely experiences. The endurance athlete will coach themselves as they proceed through the course. But, there are strangers supporting them and wanting them to finish. Most of these athletes help each other. From sharing their water to picking up the pieces of their bike for them, all endurance athletes understand the struggle and what matters is the journey. The more they train the better they become. You can’t cheat or it will show up on race day. Along with training, endurance nutrition is the key to beating your personal best. Only those that are committed will experience true success.