Foam Cutting Machinery is Versatile and Incredibly Accurate

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Eagle Machine Design, Inc. ( 25-Sep-2012 )

If you have ever purchased a tool set, the tools may have come in polyurethane cut out called a shadow board. A shadow board has a designated outline of and location for each tool. Each tool has a place and you can easily see if one is missing as well as know where to put each tool back when you are done using it. You could cut your own shadow board, but foam cutting machinery does the job quickly and incredibly accurately.

Polyurethane foam has many applications, one of which is props for theater, movies, and decorations. Foam is very inexpensive, lightweight for easy movement and lifting, and fast to create. To make a 3D foam prop you start out with a sketch of the prop you plan on making. You need measurements and proportions. Using an electric knife, cut a large piece of foam into the basic shape you will need but a little larger than the finished prop. The most common used foams are urethane foam, ethafoam, Styrofoam, or sheet foam.

Very carefully shave off the edges and corners a bit at a time until you come to the shape you have envisioned. Small knives will be needed to cut in the final detail once you have the shape you want. For design purposes, decorative designs and carving patterns will need to be worked in that match the scenic design of the production the props are for.

When the prop is finished, spray it with a water-based, non-toxic foam coat. This will seal the foam creating a strong outer shell to prevent the prop from easily breaking. The coat will also keep the prop from shedding particles of foam and also allow materials to be added to the surface such as paint or other materials. Follow the instructions for allowing the foam coat to dry completely. Acrylic paints work well for painting a prop. If it needs texture there are paints to create any texture or look you want.

Another application for polyurethane foam is to cushion items for packing and shipping. Foam can be shredded into chunks for loose packing and fill. Egg carton foam is used for shock absorption. The foam cutting machinery involved in cutting the sheets of foam in the egg carton pattern is a marvel of engineering. The applications for this versatile foam will continue to expand as we turn to alternative materials for many things around us.

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