Hand Painted Vases accent the Personality of a Home

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Home Color Mania ( 12-Apr-2012 )

The accents of a house are what make it a home. Adding to the decor and furnishing of a house are the small items such as hand painted ornaments and colorful vases that bring life and whimsy into the home. An attractive addition to an end table or making an centerpiece for a dining room table the hand painted vases brighten up a flower arrangement and bring a welcome burst of color to any environment. Inside a home the small appointments are what tend to personalize the character of the living space and provide the owner with the enjoyment of their decorations. Because many houses look the same and have an identical style to their exterior it is the interior designs that make up the individuality of the homeowner. Through his or her sense of style and flare for fashion the house becomes a warm and inviting place.

The addition of organic candles that can be used to create a warm mood in the home are also a part of the soulful nature of the home's owner that is reflected in the details of the dwelling. Where a color scheme is used in the design of a room the accent pieces that are selected to highlight the paint on the walls and the muted tones of the furniture bring a room together. Providing the uniform yet playful nature of any room in a house a thin glass vase that has been carefully hand painted by an artisan offers the connections of color that complete a design.

Whether adding the small accents by them self or working with an interior designer who can create the ideal living space as they interview and get to know the personality of the homeowner a house that may have started out like many others in the neighborhood can take on the appearance of an inviting place that is the perfect complement to it owner. Choosing to incorporate the items that are of interest or that hold special meaning for the person that lives in the house photos and artifacts that have been collected or preserved over the years are essential to the decorating of a home. But it is the final touches that complete the appearance of each room and make it possible for a person to bring their identity into their living space. Where the small items that are preserving a fresh bouquet of flowers are concerned the stylish elegance of hand painted vases and ornaments are the finishing touches that guests will remember as they are invited to dinner or spend an evening being entertained by their host.

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