How a General Motors Procurement Agent Can Help Your Business

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Volkmann Express Incorporated ( 15-Jan-2013 )

Having a general motors procurement agent can help alleviate a lot of stress that is in involved with acquiring products and having them shipped by freight. Although you want your agent to make the best decisions in your interest, you also want them to communicate with you throughout the entire process.

The Benefits of Having an Agent

A procurement agent is a type of purchasing and logistics agent. They specialize in helping you purchase international items that you may have a hard time trying to negotiate and acquire yourself. They evaluate the suppliers who manufacture the product, negotiate the contract, and review the quality of the product. Everything from household goods to personal effects can be procured from overseas. Some companies also procure labor for companies that are wishing to hirer expatriates from all over the world. Heavy machinery, construction equipment, building goods, liquids and general merchandise, can also be procured internationally. Finding a procurement agent that specializes in shipping will be to your best advantage. They will be able to provide you with the best rates and make sure your items arrive to you safe and secure.

Your Agent Will Handle Logistics

If you are working with international companies then your agent will handle the freight and delivery services overseas. For example, if you are a business owner and are looking for a large order of merchandise or equipment to order, it may make more sense to hire a procurement agent to handle all the details for you. Trying to have such a large order sent to you by DHL or UPS could end up costing you ridiculous amounts of money. With a purchasing agent, they know the language and are able to communicate your wishes effectively to the other side so that there is no miscommunication when your products do arrive.

Qualities Your Agent Should Have

It’s important that your general motors procurement agent to be a critical thinker. They need to be able to assess the needs and the situation by using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions. Your agent is working for you, to find you the best deal and the best price; it’s imperative that they have great negotiating skills and can be persuasive. If you are dealing with merchandise from one country being shipped into another, then you want to make sure your agent understands the laws, and any governmental regulations that could be a problem for you. Your agent needs to make the best decisions in the interest of you while avoiding any types of conflict of interest. They should want also to involve you in each step of the process by communicating with you. A great purchasing agent will exceed your expectations and fulfill obligations sooner than expected.

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