Marine services keep Vessels Seaworthy

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Sailing Associates inc ( 8-Mar-2012 )

Owning a boat of any size requires a slip to put the vessel in when it is not being used on the open water. For many owners of sailboats and yachts the Maryland marine where they tie up their boat is a place that sees to each of the needs of the owner. With some watercraft the need to maintain the seaworthiness of their boat takes them to the Maryland boat dealers that can provide the service they need while spending time ashore. Owning a sailboat may occasionally require the rigging to be reworked and there are some people whose vessels need the services of a mechanic to keep their boat's engine in seaworthy condition. Through the management of the Chesapeake Bay marina where a number of boats are docked the owner of a sea vessel can have their boat cared for when it is not in use.

The sea calls to many people that have found the water to be a second home. For naval officers the ability to use a privately owned sailboat or head out into the open waters of the Atlantic in a larger vessel is a chance to reconnect with the sea. Spending the majority of their career in dock there are navy officers that make it a point to get out into open water as much as possible. Working in the nation's capital there are a number of politicians, lobbyists and government contractors that also enjoy spending time away from the office and taking in the sea air aboard their own boat.

With access to Chesapeake Bay there are many people from differing walks of life that care for their boats by bringing them into a slip or mooring field where they can keep their boats safely in port. While spending time on the water appeals to most sailors in the summertime when the weather is nice there are other times of the year when the water is not hospitable to the casual sailor.

During the winter there is a need for winterization of the motor and hull of the boat to be cared for. After docking in the slip the maintenance crew can go to work servicing the vessel and treating the owner to the comforts that are available to them and their passengers or crew. For the larger ocean going yachts and catamarans the Maryland marine also offers mooring in a field that is safe from hurricanes. Giving the seafaring enthusiast of any sized watercraft the ability to dock their boat in a safe harbor the Chesapeake Bay Marina is a place where many people working in Washington DC or neighboring Virginia are able to keep a boat that is convenient to their home.

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