"Not My Child"

by Kerri House of ForSure MedScreens ( 11-Jun-2012 )

The most common words I hear from parents with a Pre-Teen is “Not my Child”.  If you think your child will never try drugs, then today only about 50% of you are correct. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse 2010 survey, 48.2 % of all 12th graders have used some sort of illegal drugs.  And even more alarming, the risk factor that teens once associated with drug abuse is the lowest in history.   Marijuana, MDMA (Ecstasy), Hallucinogens, LSD,  Heroin, and OxyContin have all seen an increase in 2010.  The research included grades 8-12.  Yes, our middle schoolers are using drugs, as well.  Seems unheard of from “The Good Ole Days”.  We in America are facing an epidemic that we can no longer pretend that it’s not happening.  I refer to it as “an alien invasion”.  Some sort of foreign power has taken our youth and is controlling their minds.  If it were to have been a UFO, perhaps we would have reacted sooner. 

"NOT MY CHILD" is an action statement.  Let's say No, not my child because I am not going to allow it.

THE SOLUTION...Have you ever heard the phrase, “Prevention is the Key”?  Well this holds true.  Intervention, while extremely necessary, would not be necessary if prevention is used first.  The first thing we must do is PREVENT.  ForSure is offering Teen Drug Prevention Programs to include FREE DRUG TESTING for Teens ages 12-18.  The prime age to begin prevention is 6th grade.  The program will work by setting up a Non-Negotiable Parent-Teen Contract, then having the teens tested randomly throughout the years.  This opens the door for discussion.  Peer pressure is so common in first time drug use.  And teens really don’t have a reason to say NO.  But if they think they might get caught, they might not try it.

Call us today!  We want to help...

678-710-TEST (8378)










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