Therapy is often given a bad name. People that choose to go to therapy must have major mental issues or they must be ‘crazy’. Unfortunately people have the wrong idea about it. Therapy, or counseling, can be a help to just about anyone these days. Though some people involved in therapy in Pasadena have mental illnesses, you don’t have to have one in order to seek help and work through problems. Here are a few reasons besides major mental illnesses that people choose to meet with a therapist.
Family Problems
Anyone in a serious, committed relationship knows that it isn’t easy. It takes work to make a relationship successful. Many times people are under the impression that if things are going bad, it is time to give up. This isn’t the case. A therapist can help you work through your family issues. Whether it stems from infidelity, custody of children, abuse, anger issues, or just simply communication problems, therapy in Pasadena can help you work through these things. It can also help you work through other family problems, like divorce, a death of a family member, or even help with your parenting skills.
Depression and Anxiety
These are two different problems that are both very common. Many people have mild forms of depression or anxiety and don’t even realize it. Having one of these things doesn’t make you ‘crazy’. You shouldn’t be ashamed to ask for help. You will be surprised what a little help can do to make you feel better. With these things, a therapist may prescribe a medication, use cognitive behavioral therapy, or just simple talk therapy. You can even look into neurofeedback therapy to help relieve your symptoms.
Many people that seek counseling do so because of an addiction. Addictions can come in all shapes and sizes. People may have addictions to drugs, alcohol, pornography, cigarettes, food, sex, or other things. There are therapists that specialize in addiction patterns and can better help someone struggling in this area. Therapy in Pasadena can be a great way to overcome addiction in your life. The first step, however, is admitting that you have an addiction and that can sometimes be the hardest part. Seeing a therapist doesn’t have to be a shameful thing. Everyone needs a little help in their life. It is important that you can admit that you need that help so you can live a happier and more full life.
Reasons People Choose to Receive Therapy
Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf
of Mary K DeLurgio mft