The Rules of Wearing Trendy Fashion Jewelry

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of ChicNCheaper ( 25-Sep-2012 )

Accessorizing can and should be a fun way to spice up a normal outfit. But if you are not entirely sure how to maximize your trendy fashion jewelry, or if you are uncertain about pulling off one of a kind jewelry, below are some tips to make you stand out--in a good way! And who knows, maybe one day you will host a jewelry party and can send out personalized calligraphy invitations.

Not Too Much
Now, that trendy fashion jewelry can be an outfit saver. But if you overdo it, it can also be an outfit ruiner. You want people to notice you, but not for the wrong reasons. So if you choose to wear that boutique necklace or other one of a kind jewelry, make sure you are pairing it correctly. A bold necklace should draw and keep attention, so an arm full of bangles or a hand full of rings would detract from its effect.

If your clothes are highly patterned or have a lot going on (like ruffles, for instance), let your clothes make the statement and minimize your accessories. Additionally, if your neckline is high, choose a shorter necklace.

You might consider layering your trendy fashion jewelry, but limit necklaces to just a few strands at most. You can easily and stylishly load bracelets on your arms, and make them stand out by keeping your sleeves short. Remember not to let your jewelry compete. If you are wearing bold earrings that dangle or pop, then forego the brooch and necklace.

With rings, it really depends on the look you are going for. With one of a kind jewelry, you will want just one piece to stand out. If you have more subtle rings, though, then limit them to two per hand.

Hosting a Party
Now that you are an expert on all things bling, you may want to host your own party. This can even help you earn free accessories of your own. Send out personalized calligraphy invitations and prepare to have a ball. Find a consultant or vendor that matches the style of jewelry you and your friends like, preferably one with a variety to appeal to different tastes and preferences. As with any party that people would want to attend, provide snacks and drinks. This will keep your guests happy and keep them there longer. If your friends ask for advice or feedback, provide it for them if the consultant is not readily available. Be there but not too present, and help to make things run as smoothly as possible.

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