Thrift Stores for Super Bargains and Treasure Hunting

by Sam Bartos, freelance writer on behalf of ATTALLAZON ( 1-Feb-2013 )

Anyone can walk into a department store and drop a couple of hundred dollars on clothes. Well, anyone with a lot of debt or money to waste can. What fun is there in that? If you are a department store shopper, you look like everyone else. You can only purchase what buyers for that particular store deem attractive. If you shop at thrift stores near Mariette, GA, the sky is the limit for your personal style and fashion. Along with amazing vintage clothes, you can also find beautiful pieces for every day and work clothes. Not only do thrift stores offer a plethora of clothing options, but also you can often find other treasures in the form of books, household goods, collectables, games, and puzzles.

Dress with Personal Style
Thrift stores near Marietta, GA, are a collection of many people’s styles and personal taste. You can purchase a vintage blouse worn in the 70s or 80s, or a chic t-shirt worn last year. You can mix and blend eras, colors, fabrics, and styles to create your own look. Fashion magazines often blend trendy with classic for new looks. Good separate pieces in basic colors make up the foundation of your wardrobe with bright, fun, trendy pieces adding the interest. You can often find fabulous accessories at thrift stores--an old broche, a vintage scarf, or simply fun costume jewelry. Be bold with your personal style. Look through fashion magazines to get a sense of balance and fashion trends.

Books at Thrift Stores
If you love to browse at used bookstores, thrift stores will be your new best friends. They are like used bookstores, only cheaper. New books come in daily, so every day is a new adventure. It may be hard to find a particular book you are looking for, but if you like general genres like cookbooks, Westerns, romance, how-to, or self-help, you will be in for a treat. Books at thrift stores sell for about half of used bookstores.

Household Goods
Just like the book section of thrift stores, there is a plethora of household goods with new ones arriving all the time. You may be able to finish your grandmother’s china set, find the lid to a piece of Corning wear that broke years ago, and add wooden bowls or Tupperware to your kitchen at a fraction of department store prices. You can find things you enjoyed years ago. Vintage is in right now in a big way. Those canisters your mother had on your counter? They are back and can only be found on auction sites online for a ridiculous price or in thrift stores for a steal. Puzzles and games are also great finds at thrift stores.

Don’t Pay Full Price for Items You Need
There is no reason to pay full price for clothes, household items, books, puzzles, and games. You can find many things you need at a thrift store near Marietta, GA. Anyone can pay full price, but you can go treasure hunting, find the same thing for a fraction of the price, and have fun in the process.

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