Treat your pet right--give her the best care!

by Heidi Weber of South Central New England Critters Association ( 8-Nov-2013 )

We all love our pets, whether dog, cat, hamster, bunny rabbit, rat, hermit crab, guinea pig, snake, lizard, turtle or horse, or other...but how do we know, human beings that we are, if we are treating them right?

The short answer is: we really don't. But we have lots of research to support certain decisions over others. South Central New England Critters Association was created with this research in mind. For over ten years prior to creation, the members of SCNECA have been checking out local animal resources for pet owners and animal lovers alike, with an eye and an ear to only the best services and/or products for your pet or your animal concern. For example: increasingly, pet food is being recalled, and veterinarians are diagnosing pet allergies to basic food ingredients: our response is to only post pet-food providers who have the highest customer satisfaction rating of keeping their shelves free of tainted food. We personally verify every business we post to make sure it stands up to high-quality. As another example: our members were tired to having frustrating encounters with veterinarians or bleeding 'accidents' when taking pets to the groomers. We post veterinarians and groomers you can trust for quality, reliability, and the ability to clearly communicate and listen to their clients (that's us).

To us, our pets have become like family. We want only the best services and products for them. Better services and products, we have found, pay for themselves in the longer and happier lives of our pets. It's hard to measure the love and gratitude we have for their joyful, goofy, and never ending surprises that our pets give us every day. This is one small way we can recompense them. Take a look at our site, try our posted services and organizations, and send us an email if you agree that they are worthy of your hard-earned dollar and your beloved family member. We look forward to your response! or

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P.S. We also post animal-friendly events and updated municipal services. Just another way to inform you about the animals around you and point you towards any further services or organizations you may need regarding those critters!

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