What Is The Mortgage Application Process?

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of Paladin Signing Services ( 12-Aug-2011 )

Purchasing a home or real estate property is probably one of the biggest decisions that you will ever make in your life because it involves a lot of complicated processes, such as the mortgage application process. However, a lot of potential home buyers are not familiar with this procedure, which can add more to their stress and frustration. You will definitely need to prepare a lot of requirements and documents, which can get very confusing even for a regular home buyer. However, the entire loan process is really not that difficult, especially if you understand the basic details about the process. If you want to learn more about the procedure, continue reading.


First, you will need to select a lender that may be able to help you finance your dream home. You can ask for a few recommendations from family, relatives and local real estate agents who may have an idea about the best names in the lending industry. After selecting a lender, you will need to meet up with the company's loan officer or representative. The loan officer will do an initial interview to get all the necessary information for the loan. The representative will also explain the available types of loans available, including the charges, fees and interest rates of each type of loan. During this time, it is also essential to inquire about all the necessary requirements needed for the loan approval. You will also need to fill out the loan application form that will be given by the loan officer.


When completing the loan application form, it is very important to enter all the details about the real estate property that you want to buy, including the terms of the contract. You will also need to fill in your income, employment record and financial history. Make sure that all the information is accurate and complete because the lender will definitely do a background check before they approve a loan.


Once you have completed the application form, the lender will make a thorough evaluation to make sure that you are financially capable of paying your monthly mortgage bills. A lender will check your credit report and verify all of the financial documents that you have presented. You will then need to wait for several days to see whether a lender has approved or declined your loan application.


If you need a little help with the mortgage application process, you can always hire the services of real estate professionals and lawyers who will be able to assist you with the entire procedure.

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