Winchester Got Lunch Launched

by Mike Regentz of Winchester Got Lunch ( 12-Apr-2012 )


Winchester GJt Lunch!

200-350 Winchester, Massachusetts children are eligible for reduced price or free lunches as part of the school district and state administered federal program.  The program provides these lunches to school-age children while school is in session.

There is no program to feed the children when the children are not in school.

Objective of Winchester Got Lunch!:  Working directly with the School Superintendent’s office, initiate a program to feed the Winchester children during the 11-12 weeks of the summer.

It will cost about $15/week to feed each child that registers with Winchester Got Lunch through the school district, St. Mary’s, the various preschools in Winchester, and the North Suburban YMCA.  That’s about $165 per child for the summer.  

The program delivers the “makings” for lunches for 5 days to the families’ homes on each Monday.

The program needs donations and lots of volunteers to be effective.  About $22,000 of donations to cover the cost of food, $16,500, and the infrastructure, $5,500 to establish manage the program.

Volunteers needed include:

·         Shoppers

·         DB Manager

·         Media/Marketing

·         Fund Raising

·         Pickers and Packers

·         Delivery People

An individual volunteer should plan to spend about 2 hours per week either on Saturday or Monday morning.  Several other volunteers needed for projects like poster making, Winchester Town Day booth, fund-raising events, etc.


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