I am writing this for one reason. That is to help someone fix there tile roof. After all if you can do it yourself, you don"t need me. My work comes from people who don't want to do it themselves. Or don't want the liability of hiring someone not licensed.
There are people who should not be telling you how to fix a tile roof. Trust me I have read the articles. First off you should not be doing this with leather shoes. You need a pair of rubber tennis shoes. And the roof should not be wet. What you need is a good extension latter, one that will extend 3 feet past the roof. If it not 3 feet past the roof, it will become dangerous to use. Seeing how you will not be able to have something to grab on to while going up on the roof, and going down the latter. Before climbing the latter, stand in front of the latter, with your hands held straight out in front of you. Fist closed. The steps of the latter should just touch your fist.. That will give you the right latter angle to make it safe to use. Be careful because falling can put you in the hospital or death. Especially harmful for the elderly. That is why you should hire a professional contractor. www.yucaipaareaconstruction.com
Now lets get to the tile roof to fix those broken tiles. A broken tile is one that is broken. It will have a crack that runs across it, wear the water will run down on the roof. At this point the water will run off the roof, without leaking into the house. Because it is running across the tar paper, that is under the tile. Now it will take a few years for that paper to finally shred like newspaper. That is when it will turn into a leak, and show a brown and white stain on your ceiling. Anytime you see a brown stain on your ceiling that is a sign that your roof is leaking. And will be worse next year.
If you see a broken tile, you just grab on to it an pull. If it is to small a piece and you can not pull it out.Then you should be able to break it with a hammer an get it out that way..Or if all else fails just pull out the one above it that is not broken. Nail the bottom one back in and the top one, go down to home depot and they will sell you a caulking tube of roofing cement. Put a little on each corner. That is made for this job. Pull hard it will come out. You may have to wiggle it a little. Don't fall off the roof. If it lets go to quickly. You dangerous people out there stay off the roof. If your the kind of person that can get hurt riding a bicycle. You should not be on the roof. Fixing the broken tile should fix the leak, providing that's where the leak is coming from.
But even if it is not , you have just prevented a future leak. It could be that the flashing around the pipes is causing the leak. So you check, by looking around the pipes, to see if there is cracking in the tar that would let water in. The tar is there to seal between the pipe and the flashing. It could rain all the way down to the first floor. Its that easy.
The most common roof leaks, besides broken tiles are the valleys. That's were two different section of roofs that come together. You can tell because that were the tiles run in different directions. There will be metal between the two rows of tiles. If you still don't understand than look upon the roof or look up roof valleys on the internet..
These valleys over many years get full of dirt. You cannot see the dirt. Its under the tiles in the valley.The valley has a metal flashing between the tiles. Unless you have a closed valley roof, then the metal will not show., you will see at least 2 to 4 inches of metal showing. When it rain really hard the water will travel on this flashing and off the roof. If under the tile that sit on the flashing, is full of dirt, then the water will be diverted onto roof. And after many years, it will eventually cause the roof to leak. That's why some roofs, only leak after a strong rain.
Remember if the tar paper, known as felt paper. If this paper was installed correctly, and was still in good condition. even if your roof had broken tiles or a clogged up valley, your ceiling would not show a leak. So not only do you have to fix the problem. You should fix the paper under the tile. Or under the valley. If nothing else it should stop the leak until you can afford to fix it right. An causing further damage, and possible mold.
It also shows that just because your roof does not show any problems, does not mean that you do not have a problem. After 15 or 30 years you should have you valleys cleaned out, by a professional. Or on a large house with large long valleys, sooner. Or sooner, if you have trees that might deposit leaves on the roof. If you still need more help explaining this process you can e-mail me. Just click on the blue link below and to my web page. Then hit the button contact me. and fill out the form.
See my other internet articles
Why should I hire a general contractor verses a contractor.
If you need more help: Email me at www.yucaipaareaconstruction.com