Finally doctors today are beginning to recognize the value of caring for their patients before they become sick. The motivation behind their newfound concern is debatable though. New cancer screening tests, blood tests and diagnostic MRI's are a multi-billion dollar industry. Patients pay to have the test ordered; they pay to actually have the test and then pay again to have those tests read.
Not long ago, you could choose an osteopathic physician who would provide a more holistic approach to your care. Today, however, osteopathic training has become remarkably similar to the traditional medical doctor's training. Some doctors will even become hostile if you ask questions.
We are ultimately responsible for our own health though. Homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine allow you the extreme opportunity of caring for your own health. That care can be as simple as partaking of a delicious cup of tea. Tea is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. One can also now purchase premium teas for considerably less then the lower grade teas found in your supermarket. For specific medical issues, specific herbs can also be used as teas. These herbs function remarkably well in supplementing your immune system. Additional information on holistic care can be found at