November 26, 2012 -- With the The Fallows, Aaron Ross wrote a love story the way literature evolved, a book comparable to the classics Dante's Inferno, Milton's Paradise Lost, the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Fairy Queen, and the Canterbury Tales to name a few. The Fallows is a Contemporary Romance set in 2012 bringing more to the table of our hearts and minds unlike any book before. The Fallows speaks to the readers with living three dimensional prose touching the imaginations of the people in real life, filled with living allegories of the author Aaron Ross's hike across America. No! The Fallows is not only about the hike across America, it is a love story with real characters experiencing real pain and pleasure that we can compare to our very own lives. The Fallows will move you emotionally with living allegories behind the words themselves knowing Aaron Ross is hiking across America for love, to inspire the readers of The Fallows now and forever. Once the hike is over and Aaron Ross pours the jar of Atlantic water into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles California he will kneel before his beloved bride and give The Fallows to her as a token of his affection. The Fallows is more than a ring, The Fallows is forever and through the words of The Fallows their love and the readers love will go on forever.
Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows a living love story to give to his beloved wife; Aaron Ross is hiking across America on a romantic adventure displaying a literary prowess that has never been seen in literature since the Bible. Not only is Aaron Ross hiking across America to tell his wife how much he loves her through the words of The Fallow but he aims to inspire the passionate love that lies between the men and women of our world touching the height, depth, and breath of their hearts and minds bringing the readers to tears helping them to heal from the emotional wounds of the past. You can give The Fallows to your wife to tell her how much you love her and women can give The Fallows to their husbands to tell him how much you love him also. The Fallows is a love story inspiring the American people and the nations of the world to gather together for love, inspiring our love lives, creative spirit, and moving our emotions to inspire us to make a difference in the world in which we live. Aaron Ross feels firmly in his heart of hearts that if everyone upon the earth had someone to love and to love them, together raising children, we together could find peace throughout the world. Because know one wants to be separated from their loved ones through war, terrorism, disease, famine, poverty, and global warming.
Terrorists don't know the love found romantically between a man and a women, forcing men and women into sex slavery and human trafficking. Because the act of war does not afford terrorists the time needed for romantic relationships to grow, I wanted to write a book that could touch the hearts and minds of angry terrorists angry fighting against the American people and other nations throughout the world bringing them to tears and helping them to heal from the painful past and in many cases traumatic events in their lives. In many cases terrorists need find forgiveness and to be open minded to other people beliefs bringing an end to terrorism and the tragedies of war. The Fallows was not only written to touch the hearts of terrorists it was written to touch the hearts of all people. The Fallows was written for everyone not just lovers of mystery, romance, thrillers, adventures, action, and the many genres of literature. The Fallows is written for all people and all religions. The Fallows breaks religious barriers down uniting the people through love, forgiveness, and the global need.
Being 33 Years of age Aaron Ross felt inside that he lost the youthful years of his life to be with the women that he loves raising children, working together for their family, friends, and neighbors. Aaron Ross wanted to write a love story to express the love between men and women, giving The Fallows to his love he hopes to inspire the people's love lives throughout the world now and forever with the only living love story ever written. Aaron Ross wrote this love story to give to give to his beloved wife to make up for the youthful years he lost being with her. The words of The Fallows will bring those youthful years back and the passions you once had when you first fell in love. Aaron wanted to make up for the youthful years he lost to be with the love of his life through the words of The Fallows.
Through The Fallows Aaron Ross seeks to inspire the American people and the nations of the world hoping to save marriages and the love lives of the people. 41% to 50% of marriages in America are ending in divorce, The Fallows sets to bring those numbers down by the thousands.
Bombarded by Hollywood's break ups and romances being in a relationship is strained to perfection, The Fallows is written to stand in the face of split ups inspiring lovers to stay together not only for their children but for each other, living up to the Hollywood romances and the marriages God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to be united together love and charity. Being faithful and true The Fallows inspires our love lives breathing new passion into them with every word.
The Fallows captures the American Spirit, as well as the difficulties that we all face through the world and our creative successes, incorporating the history of every nation, inspiring us for the future. Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows to be alive, inspiring us to step out into the night and into the day to succeed with our dreams, united together, making the world a better place, inspiring our love lives unlike any novel before.
Before Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows he took the time to interview over 30 people of different ethnic back grounds within America to see what they wanted to happen in the world to make the world a better place for us all. By incorporating those themes into The Fallows the depths in which The Fallows will touch us are endless. Never before has such a living love story ever been written to inspire The American people and the nations of the world. Walt Whitman said the great American epic love poem has never been written. Aaron Ross has accomplished writing the longest love poem ever written in the history of literature including the longest love scene ever to touch the pages of poetry. The Fallows rhymes like a poem yet reads like a novel. Today you can read The Fallows and see if Aaron Ross has written Americas greatest epic love poem. Written with seven parts and seven chapters per part like the rainbow; Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows to touch the rainbow of our hearts and minds unlike any book ever written in the history of The World.
About Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross is the author of The Fallows, a living epic love story inspiring the nations of the world and the American people to gather together for love to save the earth form global warming, disease, poverty, human trafficking, and war. Aaron Ross began a hike in New York City filling a jar on Sep 11th with the sunrise form the Atlantic Ocean to be carried across America to Los Angeles California to be poured into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset to inspire the readers of The Fallows now and forever. So fare Aaron Ross had received 300 signatures upon the peace flag as he hikes across the United States. The Fallows will forever remain a testimony to the love that lies between a women and man.
E-mail: aaronross55@comcast.net
Phone: 724-366-3213