November 26, 2012 -- Aaron Ross gave up his very life to inspire the American people and the nations of the world with The Fallows, a living epic love story that took 3 ½ years to complete; setting out to inspire the American people and the nations of the world to come together to save the earth from global warming, disease, famine, poverty, war, terrorism, and human trafficking while we have the chance. It is known that terrorists will assassinate people who step up to inspire a nation's morals. Aaron Ross risked his very life to inspire the American people and the nations of the world with the words of The Fallows, hiking across the United States of America to inspire the moral of the people to be united together to change the world in which we live. When Aaron Ross finishes his hike across America pouring the Atlantic Ocean water into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset at Santa Monica Beach he will kneel before the love of his life to give The Fallows to her to tell her how much he loves. The Fallows will forever inspire the love lives of the people.
Sadly The Fallows has not been broadcasted by big media throughout the world inspiring the American people and the nations of the world with Aaron Ross's hike across the United States. The Fallows portrays the longest love scene in the history of literature with living allegories of Aaron Ross's hike across the United States of America from New York City, filling a jar with water from the Atlantic ocean with the sunrise on Sep 11th memorial to be poured into the Pacific ocean with the sunset at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles California. The Fallows not only inspires our love lives it inspires our creative sprits to step out and change the world in which we live.
When Aaron Ross walked into local media stations as hiking through towns and cities he would find coverage for The Fallows and the Hike across America but the media have not helped Aaron inspire the America people and the nations of the world when he would send them individual press releases. Aaron believes the media need to read The Fallows to realize how The Fallows will impact the people. Aaron Ross thought that when the Asian and the Muslim nations would hear about Aaron hiking across America for love it would inspire the nations to be united in the political and environmental goals of our leaders at the G Summit. Aaron Ross would send press release's to the media but they would not inform the people about the living love story The Fallows and Aaron Ross's hike across America to inspire the American people and the nations of the world to save the earth from global warming, disease, famine, poverty, war, terrorism, and human trafficking.
Every step of the way as Aaron Ross hiked across America the men and women driving along the roads wear with him all the way beeping their horns loudly as they drove by Aaron hiking under the sun with sweet pouring down his face. Fans would stop and take photographs with him as keep sakes to keep forever. What bothered Aaron Ross the most was that when people beeped their horns and stopped to take photographs with him they did not know who Aaron Ross was nor did they know why Aaron was carrying an American flag and a peace flag waving high in the air. Many people thought Aaron Ross was the man who wrote "The Kindness of America" Raymond Dolin who hiked across America to prove that people wear good and was shot; Aaron Ross is not Raymond Dolin. Does Aaron Ross have to be shot to make the paper to inspire the American people and the nations of the world through the print, radio, and television?
In The Fallows one man is called upon the Phoenix's Quest to save the earth. Alone, the man does not know how he can save the earth. The Fallows is about how one person can make a difference in the world, it only takes one lightning bolt to start a fire. Never before has there been a chance for the nations of the world to be united together through a living love story bringing the people together through love, inspiring us to be united against the evils that face us all.
Aaron Ross needs the help of the media, broadcasting, print, and radio to inspire the American people and the nations of the world to gather together for love to save the earth from global warming, disease, poverty, famine, war, terrorism, and human trafficking through The Fallows a living love story. Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows to inspire and give to the people passion to seek after knowledge and wisdom to create new inventions to change the world in which we live, solving national and international problems.
Aaron Ross hike's across the United States not only to inspire American people but to increase American exports and expand the global economy through green energy. The proceeds made from The Fallows go to build an energy invention that will stop the American people and the nations of the world from depending upon foreign oil, one of the main objectives of President Obama's campaign. Imagine never spending money on gas or an electric bill; driving a car that does not need gas or to be plugged in and charged. The American people and the nations of the world will stand in awe of The Fallows and how the hike across America will inspire the readers, including allegories within The Fallows about the energy invention and how it is set to change the world forever as the computer and the automobile once did.
Aaron Ross has hiked 1,726 miles to Colorado Springs all the way from New York City starting Sep 11th filling a jar with ocean water with the sunrise raising the United States flag and a peace flag, celebrating American freedom and living the American dream that our forefathers set out for us under the First Amendment . Together we will change the world, separated we will hide important information from each other that can come together to create new inventions. In America people have trade secrets that can be shared with each other to create new and exciting things but instead many individuals and companies keep this information to themselves in hopes to send their stocks into the sky generating capital. Aaron Ross has set out to bring people together in the fight against global warming, disease, famine, poverty, famine, war, terrorism, and human trafficking.
Aaron Ross wrote The Fallows to touch the hearts and minds of lovers, Americans, leaders, terrorists, and factions. Never before has such a book been written to appeal to all people. The Fallows is alive as Aaron Ross hike's across America to save the earth for the men, women, and children of the world.
It was once said that poetry could never heal the world again after what the Germans did to the Jewish people during the Holocaust. Aaron Ross has written The Fallows a 400 page long epic love poem with 7 parts and 7 chapters per part, symbolic of the colors of the rainbow and the races of the world inspiring the readers with a love story to gather together throughout the world for love. Instead of fighting against each other we can unite our hands and forces to heal the earth from global warming, disease, famine, poverty, war, terrorism, and human trafficking.
The Fallows is a love story, it does not preach to you or tell you what to do with your life. The Fallows will bring tears to your eyes helping you to heal and grow as an individual and inspire you to love yourself, others and to find forgiveness. The Fallows is the only love story in which readers can become the characters themselves in the book.
About Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross is the author of The Fallows, a living epic love story inspiring the nations of the world and the American people to gather together for love to save the earth form global warming, disease, poverty, human trafficking, and war. Aaron Ross began a hike in New York City filling a jar on Sep 11th with the sunrise form the Atlantic Ocean to be carried across America to Los Angeles California to be poured into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset to inspire the readers of The Fallows now and forever. So fare Aaron Ross had received 300 signatures upon the peace flag as he hikes across the United States. The Fallows will forever remain a testimony to the love that lies between a women and man.
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