November 26, 2012 -- As a child all Aaron Ross ever wanted was to be in love, inside he thought he needed to party to be with a beautiful women. The leaders teach us to live above the influence. As a child it's difficult not to use weed, alcohol, or cigarettes when you see a sexually active young beautiful girl smoking pot, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. How can a man be with women like that unless he uses some kind of substance?
So many beautiful models use weed, cocaine, and heroin. How can an average Joe working a job afford the pleasures of a model that uses weed, cocaine, or heroin? It's almost next to impossible unless you have a really good job.
When Aaron Ross went to prison for sailing Special K and LSD his girlfriend was alone without her boyfriend there to protect her needs and safety. Using heroin she was unable to afford her drug use alone and she was forced to prostitute to afford drugs. She began intravenous drug use and contracted Hepatitis C. Aaron Ross was devastated and inside He did not know what to do or where to go. Aaron Ross could not believe this was happening in America. All Aaron could do is hope for both her and him to get sober.
Aaron Ross began to think about the sex industry and how so many women and men in our country prostitute and dance to support their drug use, yes there are many that do not use drugs, but the people know inside the realities of drug use and the consequences of using drugs. Publicly America seems to be ok but behind red eyes this is not the case.
When Aaron Ross came home from prison in 2002 and saw the Rave Parties, Goth Parties, Hippy Festivals, and Concerts wear people party and using weed, ecstasy, cocaine, special k, and amphetamine tears poured from his eyes. Nothing changed; everyone was still using drugs while Fat Boy Slim sung about "Ass and Titties". The only thing that changed was Aaron Ross got older and the relationship with his girlfriend suffered. Aaron was not as youthful and beautiful as he once was as a child, he could not believe that he was put in prison for sailing special k and LSD leaving his girlfriend alone in the world when everyone was still doing the same things. While Aaron was in prison his beautiful girlfriend was used for the sexual pleasures of the leaders, powerful business men, and yes even men in authority. When Aaron Ross was in prison in Westmorland County during a shake down in his cell, a prison guard told him he knew his girlfriend, to quote "The Back Of Her Head." These words come from men in authority. How could Aaron Ross go to prison and come home to everyone still using drugs and doing the same things.
Inside Aaron Ross had so much anger that he lost the faith and hope that he had for people in authority. Aaron thought about how drugs are everywhere and no matter how many people you lock up for sailing drugs you're not going to get them off the streets; you're only going to make drugs cost more money forcing people in many cases to rob, steal, prostitute and in some cases make pornography and dance on the table at strip clubs.
When Aaron Ross came home he did not know what to do or wear to go. He was sober for a year but his girlfriend was not, she had an addiction and Aaron unfortunately was unable to afford it. The only way Aaron could afford her addiction is if he would sale drugs or steal from people and Aaron did not want to be a part of that any more.
After their split up Aaron Ross went to Liberty University for Communications and Theology while taking core classes in the summer at the Community College, Aaron found a new passion for knowledge and made friends with the words of dead authors Edger Allan Poe, Emmanuel Kant, Plato, and Leo Tolstoy to name a few.
Inside Aaron was hurting and alone. One day Aaron believed he would become successful as an author and he would be able to win the love of his life back. As time went on they grew apart and inside Aaron knew they would never be back together again. When Aaron looked in the mirror he did not feel as beautiful as he once did as a child, being a strawberry blond, Aaron was a beautiful child and would often make the newspapers because of it.
Inside Aaron was angry that he was unable to share his youthful years with his wife and was infuriated over what happened to him and his girlfriend in 2001. As a child Aaron would always pray to God that one day he would bless him with a woman to share his life with and much of the anger he had brought him headaches by day and caused insomnia by night. Aaron could not understand why he had to experience the pain he did because of the illegalization of drugs. Sometimes he would think that it was God punishing him for the sexual sins of the past but compared to the sex lives of others that never got in trouble with the law, statistically things did not add up.
Inside Aaron was a ball of emotions; he would even become homicidal because of what happened to him and his wife. When he went to football games and saw everyone paying respects to the flag, he could not stand it, knowing what happened to him and his wife because of our leaders and the illegalization of drugs in America. Aaron Ross would go into his room and cry his nights to sleep knowing what happened to him. The only thing that kept Aaron Ross from becoming homicidal was the fear of losing the chance to be in love once again and the word of God.
Inside Aaron began to develop an idea for a living love story. The Fallows would not only be a story it would touch people by dealing with everyday life and give them hope and inspiration for the future and most of all to express the love I have always wanted to give to my partner. I wanted to write something that I could give her to tell her I loved her this much. Also I wanted to write a book we could give to our children to tell them how much we love them and to inspire them spiritually when we are gone from this earth.
The Fallows was a healing experience as will it also be for the readers. It helped me to find forgiveness for the leaders involved in my case and for the people controlling drugs and alcohol in our country. The Fallows inspired me to live sober and inspire other to heal the earth from global warming, disease, famine, poverty, war, terrorism, and human trafficking.
Most importantly I wanted to inspire people love lives. I wanted to write a book that would take people back to their honey moon renewing their passion for each other unlike any love story before.
The Fallows will move you to tears knowing Aaron Ross is hiking across the United States of America for love, filling a jar with Atlantic Ocean water of Sep 11th in New York City with the sunrise to be carried across America to be poured into the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles California with the sunset. The jar is symbolic of Pandora's Box and the water in the jar is symbolic of the hope left in Pandora's Box for the people to gather together to call the evils of the world back into Pandora's Box. Aaron Ross is carrying a US flag and a peace flag; so far he has received over 300 signatures upon the Peace Flag.
Aaron cried tears with every line of The Fallows not only did it help to heal and find forgiveness for what happened to him. It helped him to move beyond the pain and gave him hope for the future.
About Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross is the author of The Fallows, a living epic love story inspiring the nations of the world and the American people to gather together for love to save the earth form global warming, disease, poverty, human trafficking, and war. Aaron Ross began a hike in New York City filling a jar on Sep 11th with the sunrise to be poured into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset at Santa Monica Beach CA, to inspire the readers of The Fallows now and forever. So fare Aaron Ross had received 300 signatures upon the peace flag as he hikes across the United States. The Fallows will forever remain a testimony to the love that lies between a women and man.
Phone: 724-366-3213