November 26, 2012 -- The Fallow's is not only about unforgettable characters it's about the readers themselves. Through the words of The Fallows the readers become the characters within the book, bringing the words of The Fallows to life unlike ever before; inspiring you to seek after knowledge and wisdom like never before, fueling your love life with passion. In The Fallows the main characters are referred to as the man and the women so the readers can place their very own names in place of the man and women, never before has such a three dimensional book ever been written.
The Fallows will inspire your love life, fill your nights with passion, and breathe new life into the romance of your heart with unforgettable metaphors, similes, and allegories. Within your heart and mind as you read The Fallows you will think of the love of your life and how you can bring joy into your lives. The Fallows is forever a testament to the love that lies between men and women. Now you can experience the feeling of love inside you more passionately with The Fallows, the only living love story ever written.
As you read The Fallows it will bring you close to the grief and pain of your past, causing a catharsis of love, bringing you to tears, helping you to find forgiveness in some of the most painful experiences of your life. Some say forgiveness is not possible but what is better to forgive or rot inside with anger; never to know the joy that is on the other side. Finding forgiveness is possible and although it can be a tough road the work it takes to get there is worth it. After experiencing the pains of the characters within The Fallows you will never quite again be the same. The Fallows gives us hope for a new life one filled with love and joy.
The Fallows inspires the workers of America and throughout the world displaying upon its poetic pages the power each worker has within the world to make our great nation the American dream and the nations of the world a place to be reckoned with. Showing the labors of our hands living on the roads in which we drive, the buildings in which we work and live, the papers in which we write and read, and the products in which we use every day. Through the words of The Fallows we find contentment for our daily lives in which we sometimes fill are like a Ground Hog day but in all actuality are a part of making America and the world go round. Everyone from the least to the small is needed. We are all special; none will be left behind, for we all live in the works around us.
The Fallows inspires students both young and old to search the library's, bookstores, and the internet filling them with passion to read and study late into the night to create something new solving problems that face not only the American people but the nations of the world. Together through Science we can change the world, building upon the knowledge and wisdom that we now have and through the transcendence of our minds we can create something new. There was a time when we did not have the freedom to read and study but today we live in a time where we are free to study and learn, together we must take full advantage of this freedom curing cancer, AIDS, and disease while simultaneously moving new paths of study into the future, charting out hypothesis and creating new theories, changing the world in which we live.
Oh America! The Fallows speaks to the American soldiers and their wives calling for peace and forgiveness throughout the world incorporating the tragedies of Sep 11th to call for an end to wars and terrorism. For how many women have lost their husbands in battle and vice versa? How many refugees have suffered from the loss of parents and siblings due to the tragedies of war? The Fallows calls us to find peace and instead of fighting against each other we need to fight against the evils that we all face global warming, disease, famine, poverty, and human trafficking together seeking after knowledge that will move mankind forward. Facing these problems together we can unite the fallows of our hearts and minds against every evil we face.
Extraordinarily behind the words of The Fallows you can see the author Aaron Ross's hike across America; carrying an American flag, a peace flag, and a jar of ocean water filled in New York City on Sep 11th with the sunrise to be poured into the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles California with the sunset. The jar of Atlantic Ocean water is symbolic of Pandora's Box and the water in the jar is symbolic of the hope that was left in the jar for humanity to gather together for love to call forth those evils back into Pandora's Box, healing the world from global warming, disease, famine, poverty, human trafficking, and the tragedies of war. So far Aaron Ross has received more than 300 signatures to the peace flag. Aaron Ross's hike across America brings the words of The Fallows alive unlike any book that has ever been written, it is truly a work of art.
The Fallows is a love story dedicated to the love between a man and a women and their love for their children. It's about the love that is forever in which death itself cannot separate us. The Fallows is about the love that could have been if Adam and Eve never ate from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and never fell from the Garden of Eden. Through the words of The Fallows there is hope to be with those we love after death. Metaphorically the character of the Phoenix in The Fallows is symbolic of the death and resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and through his death and resurrection we find salvation.
After Aaron Ross finishes the hike across America he will give The Fallows to the love of his life to tell her how much he loves her and to inspire the reader's love lives now and forever through this living love story now being played out before our eyes in word, in deed, and through art. Thousands of years from now when The Fallows is red they will know Aaron Ross hiked across America for love to inspire the men and women of America and the world. Together we can be a part of this romantic adventure being played out before our eyes.
About Aaron Ross
Aaron Ross is the author of The Fallows, a living epic love story inspiring the nations of the world and the American people to gather together for love to save the earth form global warming, disease, poverty, human trafficking, and war. Aaron Ross began a hike in New York City filling a jar on Sep 11th with the sunrise form the Atlantic Ocean to be carried across America to Los Angeles California to be poured into the Pacific Ocean with the sunset to inspire the readers of The Fallows now and forever. So fare Aaron Ross had received 300 signatures upon the peace flag as he hikes across the United States. The Fallows will forever remain a testimony to the love that lies between a women and man.
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