"Be stinger-savvy: How to lower your risk of being stung by a bee, wasp, or other stinging insect"

by Osazee Osagie, MD of SONIC URGENT CARE ( 17-Jul-2014 )

An encounter with a bee, wasp, or other stinging insect is one of the unpleasantries of otherwise pleasant spring, summer, and early fall days. Since reactions to an insect sting can range from mild to fatal, it's important that you and your loved ones know how to minimize the chances of getting stung as you venture forth for outdoor fun.


While there's no sure way to avoid insect stings, not even with insect repellent, University of California's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America provide some suggestions for minimizing your risk:

·         Avoid wearing scented products (such as perfume, cologne, deodorant, or even soap) if you plan to be outside

·         Wear shoes, especially when walking on grassy surfaces

·         Avoid wearing brightly-colored or patterned clothing when outdoors

·         If a bee lands anywhere on your body, either (a) remain still and quiet, and the bee will most likely fly away; or (b) gently brush the bee away with a piece of paper

·         Avoid locations where you suspect a nest of stinging insects

·         If you expect to be at work or play where stinging insects may have a nest, wear long pants and sleeves

·         Keep outdoor areas clean from food debris

·         Move away from someone else who has been stung to avoid being stung by other insects who may congregate

·         Avoid frantic movements or swatting if stinging insects are nearby



Insects tend to sting only when provoked to defend themselves or their nest, so despite their menacing presence hovering above the picnic table, it is possible for you and your family to enjoy a stinger-free summer.

Sonic Urgent Care 



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