"Finding relief from the burn of acid reflux and heartburn"



To countless Americans from all walks of life, the uncomfortable, burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen, known as heartburn, is all-too-familiar. Understanding how to control acid reflux and heartburn may help alleviate these bothersome symptoms, as well as minimize the serious health consequences of untreated gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).




When the valve separating the lower esophagus from the upper abdomen (known as the lower esophageal sphincter) malfunctions, or the upper portion of the stomach slips through the diaphragm (known as a hiatal hernia), food and digestive juices can travel back up the esophagus, causing acid reflux, heartburn, and potentially fatal damage to the esophagus if persistent and untreated.




Acid reflux and heartburn, explains the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), are often triggered by such foods as chocolate, coffee, peppermint, greasy or spicy foods, tomato products, and alcoholic beverages; as well as mustard, vinegar, citrus fruits and juices, and carbonated drinks, adds the American Gastroenterological Association.




Besides avoiding such foods, you can help reduce your risk of acid reflux and heartburn with other lifestyle changes:



  • Not overeating

  • Eating more small meals rather than 3 large ones

  • Not using tobacco, which reduces the production of saliva, stimulates stomach acid production, and relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter

  • Losing excess weight

  • Staying upright for 3 hours after eating

  • Raising the head of the bed (not just the pillows) by 4-6 inches

  • Wearing loose-fitting clothes around the abdomen


    See a doctor if you experience acid reflux and/or heartburn twice a week for many weeks, or find yourself seeking relief using antacids or H2 blockers twice a week or more     



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