"I've just been stung by a bee! What do I do?"

by Osazee Osagie, MD. of SONIC URGENT CARE ( 17-Jul-2014 )

For most people, an insect sting causes little more than  a short-lived sharp pain, followed by soreness, redness, and possibly minor swelling. For 1-2 out of every thousand people, however, an insect sting can be life-threatening if not treated promptly and properly.

Anaphylaxis, according to the CDC, is the most severe and life-threatening reaction to an insect sting. Someone experiencing anaphylaxis must receive an injection of epinephrine immediately following the sting, emphasizes the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, and emergency medical care should be sought right away. If not treated immediately, cautions the CDC, an insect sting in someone who is severely allergic can result in seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory distress, and even death. According to the CDC and NIH, some signs of anaphylaxis following an insect sting may include:


·         Flushed skin

·         Tingling of the palms, soles of the feet, or lips

·         Lightheadedness

·         Chest tightness

·         Throat swelling

·         Dramatic Drop in blood pressure

·         Problems breathing

·         Hives

·         Fainting

·         Swelling of face and lips


Regardless of whether the reaction to an insect sting is mild or severe, explains the NIH, the stinger should be removed right away, not with tweezers, but rather by scraping a piece of paper, credit card, or other flat-edged object across the stinger. Removing the stinger promptly may help minimize the severity of symptoms in someone who is not otherwise severely allergic. Once the stinger is removed, clean the area with soap and water, and then apply a cold compress to help alleviate swelling.


Certainly not all insect stings are life-threatening, but if there is any doubt, call your doctor, 911, or the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.


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