"Breast cancer: Many treatment options available to women"

by Osazee Osagie, MD. of SONIC URGENT CARE ( 17-Jul-2014 )


Many treatment options are available to women diagnosed with breast cancer, and treatment plans may involve a combination of different approaches. The following are some of the most common treatment options as described by the National Cancer Institute:

·         Surgery: To spare the breast, lumpectomy or segmental mastectomy removes only the portion of the breast and surrounding tissue where cancer was found. A full mastectomy involves removal of the entire breast, and possibly the associated underarm lymph nodes as well. Surgery is often accompanied by radiation, and side effects may include pain and numbness, soreness in the arm and shoulder, and poor drainage of fluid in the arm and hand on the treated side.

 ·         Radiation: This involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells in affected areas of the breast. Long-term effects on the heart and lungs are possible, as well as fatigue (which may be remedied with regular exercise).

·         Hormone Therapy: This helps to block the estrogen and progesterone that enables cancer cells to grow and thrive. Women with triple negative breast cancer, which means their cancer cells lack estrogen and progesterone receptors, may not respond well to this form of treatment.

·         Chemo Therapy: This involves the use of drugs administered intravenously or by mouth to kill cancer cells. Chemo therapy may also damage healthy cells, such as white blood cells, cells lining the digestive tract, or those associated with hair growth. Other side effects may be a weakened heart, menopause symptoms, and temporary or permanent infertility.

·         Targeted Therapy: This approach, which involves drugs administered intravenously or by mouth, works best when a woman's cancer cells have high levels of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), a protein that enables cancer cells to grow and thrive. Similar to hormone therapy, women with triple negative breast cancer, whose cancer cells have minimal amounts of HER2, may not respond favorably to targeted therapy.

Women should talk to their medical team, and even seek a second opinion, to discuss treatment options, how to manage side effects, and how treatment will impact their daily lives.


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