"The basics of anemia treatment and prevention"

by Osazee Osagie MD of SONIC URGENT CARE ( 17-Jul-2014 )

Feeling tired,, breathless, or dizzy may be due to far more than lack of sleep. These are some of the most common symptoms of anemia, a blood disorder in which too little hemoglobin or too few red blood cells forces the heart to work extra hard to pump oxygen throughout the body.

While anemia can be severe and even life-threatening, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) encourages that many cases of anemia are treatable and/or preventible with simple dietary changes:

·         taking vitamins with or eat foods rich in B12, folic acid, and vitamin C

·         eating a diet rich in iron from foods like meat, leafy greens, tofu, beans, lentals, dried fruits, and prune juice.

Supplements may also boost low iron levels in your body, but due to potentially negative consequences of too much iron, the NHLBI cautions that supplements should only be taken when prescribed by your doctor.

If lifestyle changes alone aren't enough, your doctor may prescribe medications to increase red blood cell production, discourage excessive red blood cell destruction, or treat underlying conditions (i.e., antibiotics to treat an infection). In particularly severe cases that don't respond to less-invasive approaches, your doctor may recommend a blood transfusion, blood and marrow stem cell transplant, or surgery to treat internal bleeding or remove your spleen

Regardless of the type of anemia, WomensHealth.gov reminds that the goals of treatment remain consistent: to improve red blood cell count and hemoglobin levels, and to treat underlying causes of anemia. Before you think about putting off treatment for anemia, consider the potential benefits:

·         Improved energy

·         Enhanced quality of life

·         extended longevity


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